“Let’s Be More”

To a certain extent, I think many of us like to see ourselves as Adventure Seekers. It’s a fun and thrilling picture to think of shouting “Carpe Diem!” at the top of our lungs right as we hit the top of the roller coaster, or spontaneously skip towards the bend in the road – But sometimes… sometimes we’ve had one too many…

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Just Run With It

I recently bought a new pair of running shoes. Well, metaphorically at least. You know how it works. One day you look at your life and you realize, Hey, I wanna do that – paint a mural, sow a garden, write a novel, build a house, get back into shape, whatever. So, you make plans: You write in a calendar.…

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Just When You Need It

Some days, it’s hard to get up. It’s hard to put aside the worries and future concerns. It’s hard to stop wishing things were different. It’s hard not to resent when things don’t go our way.

ThoUGhT BuBblE (parenthesis included).

I started the morning by bringing two mismatched shoes to school (It’s Monday, isn’t it?), and had to walk around in my socked feet all day, twinning it alongside every other twelfth-grader in the building (I’m definitely the coolest teacher ever, they just don’t know it yet). Did I mention that the left shoe had a giant hole in the…

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A Season of Silence

Amidst the gratitude of Thanksgiving, the carolling of Christmas, and the first real taste of everyday freedoms, I inconveniently find myself in a rather poetic, albeit incessant, season of silence. Here I am with a world of opportunity before me: volleyball season is over, the calves are weaned, and the evenings are free of homework. I could not have asked for a more promising recipe for writing success.