Liebster Award: Stalking Blogs with Etiquette

I know there are differing opinions out there about blogging awards, but personally,  I’d like to look at it as a completely legitimate reason to stalk random blogs online, and tell other people how awesome they are (and I think that’s pretty cool)…


So even though this is of a different colour than the average post, I’m honoured to be a part of the fun, and thank Julianne Gilchrist for her nomination of the Liebster Award – her own lovely little piece of square space is definitely worth a pondering peruse.

Essentially, when you are nominated, you are given a set of questions to answer in your blog. You then return the favour and nominate other blogs that have under 200 followers (although in other versions, that number seems to change), and provide them with a new set of questions. In this way, you get a unique opportunity to hear about other blogs out there that may be of interest.

So, into the Hot Seat…

You have five hours home alone… what do you do?

  1. I make a list of all the things I want to do – not necessarily in order
  2. Sit myself comfortably in my Reading chair, complete with coffee, sunshine, and maybe a cinnamon bun.
  3. Bible ponderings – journal/read/pray. If it’s first thing in the morning, this is when I can feel His presence the clearest (the sunshine and the coffee help).
  4. Read something inspirational – an encouraging blog or book makes my writing fingers itch for a notebook, and strive to Be More.
  5. Write something random, like a collective bin of scrambled scribbles, that mirror my present explosion of thoughts and reflections.
  6. Do something practical and productive (in order to satisfy my Dutch genes), like cleaning the bathroom, or doing the dishes.
  7. Read something indulgent – the kind of fiction you find left on a magazine table at the dentist’s office.
  8. Go exploring outside (unless it’s a winter storm).
  9. Read something intellectual – conquering Shakespeare one word at a time.
  10. Bake something overly sweet and delicious… to be eaten throughout the rest of the day.
  11. Write something encouraging. To this day, my grandparents (and many pen friends) enjoy getting a witty little note via snail mail.
  12. Colour/doodle/draw, usually with some kind of Netflix material in the background (currents include Brooklyn 99, Gilmore Girls, House, and any historical documentary)
  13. Read something educational – probably prompted by House, or a documentary. (I became curious as to why small pox suddenly disappeared).
  14. Attempt to exercise. For better or for worse – key word, attempt.
  15. Contemplate something creative. Because in reality, 5 hours can go by rather quickly, and before there’s time to break out the home made Christmas cards or the next page of the Great Unwritten Novel… the time is up.

All of this, of course, while either texting randomly cheesy texts to my husband… or keeping him within shouting distance so as to reveal my lightbulb moments throughout the process. He’s the best team player ever.

What three words do you hope describe you?

Encouraging. Creative. Trustworthy.

What are your biggest challenges or obstacles in blogging?

A) Consistency B) Not being overtaken by the Numbers… the likes, the follows, the comments.

What brings you joy?

Mornings. Sunshine. Bakery smells. Baby laughs. Gardens. Snail Mail. Photos of my nieces and nephews. Daydreams. Strong communications. Hugs from people that matter the most.

Which writers inspire you?

L. M. Montgomery. Kit Pearson. Max Lucado. Anne Frank. Stephen Leacock. Stuart Maclean. C.S. Lewis

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A). Theatre Actress (Grade 12 Anne of Green Gables – check!)

B). Teacher (certified 2014 – check!)

C.) Writer (journalling since my 11th birthday…)

Why did you start a blog (and how long ago was that?)

The first blog I ever wrote was prompted by a two and a half month long mission trip to the Philippines. I absolutely loved having a way to share my crazy, life-changing adventures with everyone back home. I then attempted different versions of blogs in order to keep my writing nose sharp while teaching, but didn’t become committed until making the decision to take a hiatus from the career-driven life this past summer. I wanted to keep up with all the people in my life (now all over Canada, and beyond), as well as share the journey God was leading me through as I faced new adventures – continuing to discover how I can worship Him with my writing, and realize Who I Am.

What makes you angry?

I used to use this word rather flippantly, in place of other words like “frustrated”, “stressed”, and “hurt”… but I really do get angry when people choose to be ignorant. Whether it is pride, or fear, or stubbornness… I hate to see when those who already know the truth about Faith, People, the World choose to act and speak as though they don’t. And the toughest part? I often find myself in that very category.

If you could spend a day in a fictional world from a book, what book would it be, and why?

The Hobbit seems like a logical choice, but frankly, I’m rather tall and I don’t like feeling like a giant amongst a group of a people. After that, it’s a toss up between Narnia and Neverland. I’ve always wanted to learn archery and meet a centaur… and in Neverland, I could have my wish and never need to grow up.

What blog do you read the most (other than your own, of course)?

There isn’t a singular answer here. Aliza Latta is my regular dose of encouragement , Emily P Freeman seems to speak to my very self, and Teresa Renee takes photos that make me fall in love with life. And that’s only a start.

And now for my nominees…

  1. Anna Kristina Schultz. I still can’t believe she’s one of my best friends. Her words are powerful.
  2. Emily Starling. I just love what she writes. I get what she writes.
  3. Sarah Baker. She had me with her tagline – honest words & laughter lines.
  4. Sarah Chetney. I love that she says things just how she feels them. Honest. Real. Writing.
  5. Nicola Twa. It’s not every day you get up and go teach in Turkey, so this adventure is a treat.
  6. Survival of a College Kid. We are different in many ways, and yet… I recognize her thoughts, and I admire her for being open and honest, and putting herself out there to discover life as it is.
  7. Nicole Veenkamp. I’m forever encouraged by words of fellow believers who aren’t afraid to share what’s on their heart, and in their spirit.

And my questions for them:

  1. The back cover to your life – who are you?
  2. Why do you write?
  3. If you could take a one day, know-it-all course on any subject, what would it be and why?
  4. The world is your audience. What would you say in 10 words or less?
  5. Where do you find your inspiration?
  6. What was your favourite book as a child?
  7. If you could start a trend (a phrase, a fashion, whatever), what would it be?
  8. Which would you give up first – reading, or writing? And why?
  9. What is the best (interesting, entertaining, encouraging, etc…) blog or post you’ve ever seen or read online?
  10. You get to choose any one question (about anything) to have answered. What is it?

So, if you were nominated, create a post where you answer my questions, nominate blogs, and write a list of questions for them to answer.  (Be sure to link back to my blog so I can read your answers.)

Until then, Happy Stalking.

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